Detailed Agenda
15h30-19h45 CET
6:30-10:45 AM PST
15h30 (6:30 AM PST) Welcome - Introduction
Giulio Pergola (University of Bari)
15h45 Symposium plenary
John Aggleton (Cardiff University)
The anterior thalamic nuclei: a hub for space, memory and attention
16h45 Opening keynote
Manoj Saranathan (University of Arizona)
Thalamic nuclei segmentation: imaging and image processing techniques
17h45 Break
18h00 Invited Talks
Mallar Chakravarty (McGill University)
Subcortical architecture: genetics, evolution, and behaviour
Henry Tregidgo (University College London)
Segmentation of co-registered structural MRI and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) to recover thalamic nuclei derived from histological labels
Jose Marques (Radboud University)
Ultra-high field structural imaging – what contrasts can you get and what can you see with them
19h00 Roundtable discussion
Moderators: Meritxell Bach-Cuadra (University of Lausanne) and Jean-Philippe Ranjeva (Aix-Marseille University)
19h45 Adjourn
15h30-19h00 CET
6:30-10:00 AM PST
15h30 (6:30 AM PST) Opening keynote
Michael Halassa (MIT)
Thalamic regulation of prefrontal dynamics for cognitive control
16h30 Flash Talks
17h00 Break
17h15 Invited Talks
Michael Hornberger (University of East Anglia)
Thalamic neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease
Aaron Boes (University of Iowa)
What lesions tell us about the function of the human thalamus
Melanie Wilke (Georg-August-Universitat)
Contribution of the thalamic pulvinar to visuomotor actions
18h15 Roundtable discussion
Moderators: Emmanuel Barbeau (CNRS Toulouse) and Olivier Felician (Aix-Marseille University)
19h00 Adjourn
15h30-19h15 CET
6:30-10:15 AM PST
15h30 (6:30 AM PST) Opening keynotes
Catherine Sweeney-Reed (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität)
Intracranial electrophysiological evidence for a role for the anterior thalamic nuclei in human memory processing
Erik Middlebrooks (Mayo Clinic)
Advances in Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting of the Thalamus with 7 Tesla MR
16h30 Flash Talks
17h00 Break
17h15 Invited Talks
Shail Segobin (INSERM U1077 Cyceron)
Thalamic nuclei quantification in Korsakoff's syndrome : Trends, pitfalls and caveats
Brian Rutt (Stanford University)
Segmentation and Quantitative Volumetry of Thalamic Nuclei using the THOMAS Algorithm: Applications to
the Study of Brain Atrophy in Healthy Aging and to FUS / DBS Planning
Rosanna Olsen (University of Toronto)
The roles of the anterior and mediodorsal thalamus in memory
18h15 Roundtable discussion
Moderators: Anne-Lise Pitel (INSERM U1077 Cyceron) and Vinod Kumar (Max Planck Tubingen)
19h00 Closing remarks - Michael Hornberger
19h15 Adjourn